Nik had never had a Fig Newton (he's so sheltered) but he also quickly fell in love with them. Being the "homemade is always better" person that I am, I decided to make them myself instead of buying them. I used this recipe, and was so pleasantly surprised at how simple it was. Any type of dessert that has more than one part usually terrifies me because I am bound to ruin it, but this really was a breeze. There is no butter or sugar, which is great because Mila likes to eat them to and Lord knows she doesn't need any extra sugar!
^^Mila running away from me after she snatched a cookie from the table. I forget that she is getting taller and can reach things now.....
Nik also declared that he likes my homemade cookies better----music to my ears! Next up, homemade energy bars.
****Also, its National Running Day!! Go run some miles and breath some fresh air =)