Friday, February 22, 2013

Running with Baby

Being active is something that I was dedicated to before I had Mila, but it has taken on a whole new meaning since she was born. For a few years now, I have been a runner, running at least 5 days a week. The whole time I was pregnant I did not run. It was a choice I made early on, and I stuck with it and only walked. I know that it is completely safe to run during pregnancy, but I just figured that I could use a break. For about 6 months it was great.  Then I started to get the runner's urge again. I could not wait to be able to run again, so after just 3 weeks postpartum, I began running again. Not very often, and not too far, but at least it was something. And it felt SO good to engage those muscles again. Also, it was the only alone time I was getting, so I was pretty stoked when I got the chance to go for a run.

Then when Mila was 4 months old, I purchased a used jogging stroller, and we have been running together ever since. (Best $35 I have ever spent. Seriously.) At first she hated it but now it has become such a routine for her that she gets excited when I get my running shoes out. Not only is it great for me, but I really do think it is good for her also. She gets to grow up seeing me be active and healthy, and hopefully this is something that she will embrace also. I think kids have sadly become less and less active, and I really hope that this changes. I am lucky to live in a place where I can be outside year-round at parks, beaches or pools, so I definitely want to take advantage of all of that while I can.

And now I am patiently awaiting a baby seat for my bike. It will be like Christmas morning when I get it. So excited!! Less driving, and more biking/walking in mine and Mila's future.
Cheering me on at a local 5k. 

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