Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Homemade Fig Newtons

I totally forgot about Fig Newtons somewhere between 8 years old and now, but I recently rediscovered them and fell in love with them all over (I love when that happens). I have been researching ways to refuel my body after or during long runs that is as natural and easy on my system as possible. Some of the common ways of fueling---energy gels/drinks---don't sit so well with my tummy, so I needed to find something that would. My mom suggested carrying bananas on long runs but I couldn't figure out where to keep them without them becoming banana pudding, so I stumbled upon Fig Newtons. They are small enough for me to carry in my water pack and they provide just enough to keep me going. And they are cookies and I will take any opportunity to eat a cookie, even if I have to run 10 miles to justify it.

Nik had never had a Fig Newton (he's so sheltered) but he also quickly fell in love with them. Being the "homemade is always better" person that I am, I decided to make them myself instead of buying them. I used this recipe, and was so pleasantly surprised at how simple it was. Any type of dessert that has more than one part usually terrifies me because I am bound to ruin it, but this really was a breeze. There is no butter or sugar, which is great because Mila likes to eat them to and Lord knows she doesn't need any extra sugar!

^^Mila running away from me after she snatched a cookie from the table. I forget that she is getting taller and can reach things now.....

Nik also declared that he likes my homemade cookies better----music to my ears! Next up, homemade energy bars. 

****Also, its National Running Day!! Go run some miles and breath some fresh air =) 

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Bulgaria continued...

Here are some more pictures from our time in Bulgaria.

^^Some pictures of me running. I barely ran while I was there since there were much better things to do like eat a humongous breakfast of fried dough and nutella, but I did manage to get a few miles logged.

^Hanging out in the summer kitchen (which is outside). I love that during the hot months they cook outside to keep the house from getting too hot. Maybe I should get a summer kitchen in FL but use it all year..... 

We went to Nik's cousin's wedding. It truly was a totally new experience for me. Nothing like weddings that I have been to in the states. And Mila was a party animal and stayed up until midnight. 

^For some unknown reason, Nik and I both love this picture. It's not even pretty, it just captures a little moment between Mila and I.

Carrying her Michael Kors clutch. DIVA 

^^^These little rides are placed all over the city and they are traps for all parents because every child wants to ride EVERY SINGLE one of them. You could literally spend half an afternoon and $15 on these.....

PLAY TIME. They were so sick of all the boring adult things we were always doing. Nothing like a slide to make a child smile =)

^^Nik's sister and I. She's the BEST!! and has really good baby fashion that she gladly hands down to me. So thankful for that. 

^Typical picture of Mila and I. I swear she loves me, it's just hard to tell sometimes with all the extreme maneuvers to get away from me. 

Cutest. Picture. Ever. 

^^My salad and Pavlina's pig ears.....yes, PIG EARS. Such a contrast in how we eat. 

^^^It was my birthday!!! So here is my one picture on the day that I turned 23. (I look exhausted though, oh well)