Friday, April 26, 2013

Running & Biking with Baby!!

By far the two best things I have purchased since having Mila are the jogging stroller, which I bought when she was 4 months old, and the more recent bike seat purchase. When I had Mila and we decided as a family that I would stay home with her, I had no idea just how stir crazy I would go. After just 3 weeks I was itching to get out in the sunshine and fresh air and feel my body move. As soon as the doctor said Mila was good to go with the running stroller, I bought one and we have been running almost daily since then. Honestly, it has helped me so much to feel like a normal person. Running is something that I loved long before Mila came into the picture, and I am so glad that she now gets to be a part of that.

More recently, we got a bike seat as a gift from Mila's grandparents in Bulgaria, and this too has changed my life. I knew Mila would love "biking" since she has been "running" for quite some time. She just relaxes back there, puts her feet up and babbles on and on (about something important, I'm sure). We have only had it for about a week, but we have been using it quite a bit. There was even one day that I biked to Mila's doctor and to the store, so I did not use my car at all. Pretty green, huh?!!?

^^I searched soooo many stores before I found a helmet
small enough for Miss Mila's tiny head. Safety First!!
^So sexy when a man has a sippy cup on his bike.... 
Seriously though---if you have the chance to purchase either of these, I really recommend it. There is nothing better than sunshine, fresh air, and that HUGE smile on your babes face when they are having fun. Plus, exercising while hauling all that extra weight around will really make you have some nice legs =)

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Mila's 1st Birthday!!

Oh man. I am REALLY bad at updating things when they happen hahah.

Mila turned 1 on April 15th!! I really cannot believe that one year of her life has already passed us by. It is honestly kind of a big blur...probably due to the lack of extreme exhaustion I have been experiencing for the past year. But, that's okay because when she is older and no longer waking me up all through the night, I will probably be wishing she would cuddle up next to me again. So, I am savoring all these moments....or at least trying to.

Nik and I made the decision that we would not be having a birthday party for Mila this year,  but instead, we would just have a quiet family dinner and I would make some sort of dessert. However, my dear friend Dawn surprised us, and threw a little birthday soiree for Mila anyways. Most of my friends were able to come, and it was a really special time catching up with them and playing with the birthday girl. She did not care one bit about anything pertaining to the fact that it was her birthday, and spent the whole time trying to eat mulch. Whatever rocks your boat Mila.

For her actual day of birth, I made a simple dinner and delicious vegan cupcakes. I planned to have a picnic, and in true fashion, there was a HUGE thunderstorm right as we were leaving. Boo. But we made it work, and all together it was a great first birthday =)

^We have a 1 year old..... SAY WHAAAAAT?!?!?!
Just holding it up to make sure it'll fit^^
LOVE these girls right here^
^^^^Mila's crew ----swag 
^YAYY for healthy baby cupcakes =)

^Always trying to escape my hugs....

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Gumbo Limbo 10k

I did a 10k a couple of weeks ago to support a local turtle rehabilitation center called Gumbo Limbo. They do a lot of work in regards to rehabilitating turtles that have been injured and they also help with turtle hatchings.

There is nothing I love more than being surrounded by a bunch of people who love running as much as I do. There is always great energy at these races that it just seems so FUN. I love a little competition, and at a small race, I can really pick people off. And of course, I really love the free breakfast afterward....or maybe Nik loves it more since he is the only one who ever eats it. But who's keeping track?? =)
^^^I will forever take ugly finishing photos, so I'm learning
to embrace that and like this picture

< My support crew >

^^^Oh, and did I mention I got 2nd place in my age group??? Got myself
a new glass for that =) 

~~Also, I have been doing Bikram Yoga lately. Anyone else tried it?? It's amazing if you haven't and if you're thinking about trying it, JUST DO IT. It is super intense, but your body will feel amazing afterwards. My knees have been feeling so much better since I started doing it, so YAYY for no more achy knees.

Monday, April 15, 2013

A Letter To Mila

One year ago today, the world gained such a wonderful little girl.... YOU!!! This year has been one huge roller coaster, with so many ups and downs, but it has been the best one yet for me. You have taught me so many things and have opened up my heart to feel so much love. I can barely remember my life without you. How quiet my life must have been without you running around and screaming. To think that I had it all.... I was so naive. YOU have certainly made my life so much richer, and I am so excited to see what life has in store for you.

Your Mama and Dada love you so much. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MILA!!!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Family Activities

While my family was visiting me, my niece and nephew were fully focused on spending as much time in the water as possible. This meant beach, pool or even random fountains around town. There really isn't anything better than being a child and playing in the water. I remember growing up with a pool in my backyard and spending hours playing in it until my little fingers and toes shriveled up and I was told to get out.

We also hit up the Palm Beach Zoo, which was a lot of fun. It is about 30 minutes away from us, which is much closer than the Miami Zoo and much smaller which is a good thing when working with a 6, 4 and 1 year old. The Miami Zoo would have been torture for all of us, but the Palm Beach Zoo fit just right! So many cute animals to see, and BONUS, there was a fountain for the kids to play in.

This past week with my family really was a wonderful treat. I love spending time with them, and hearing Cayden (4 year old nephew) say "I love you Aunt Amanda. You're the best girl" really does bring the biggest smile to my face.

And now, tons of photos.....

Love love LOVE these kiddos^^^^

^^We love the beach, but trying to keep the sand out of this little one's
mouth is nearly impossible. Oh well. A little dirt never hurt anyone, right?!?!
^Some quality girl time painting nails.^

^^The otters were so playful and seemed like they were having such a good
time. Maybe the otter life isn't so bad.....
^My little baby in a big nest^
^^Apparently this is a ceremonial piece of art that would typically be used
for sacrifices.......WOOPS!!
^My mom and sister got me an apron for an early Mother's Day gift. Watch
out Stepford Wives :)

^^^Mila's first birthday cake homemade by Mama.
^^We celebrated Mila's birthday a little early since my family
was here. 

YAYY for books from my grandparents!!! 

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Staycation :)

I got to spend last week with my family, which doesn't happen very often. We all live in different places, so to have us all in the same place at the same time is kind of unheard of. And Nik took the week off from work, so it really felt complete to have him home with us.

We somehow managed to pack 7 people into a two bedroom apartment and not kill each other, so I would say that was a huge success! I wouldn't say that the week was relaxing for me since I was playing host (it was actually pretty exhausting), but everyone had a good time so that's all that really matters. We ate a ton of delicious food and didn't worry about a thing, because what's a vacation without a couple of pounds gained???? And Mila seems to have grown up a lot in this week, probably from trying to keep up with a 6 and 4 year old. It's crazy to see all the changes in our little baby.

Some pictures of our time together......

^^Easter morning everyone was pretty tired because this little bunny woke
up at 3:30 and wanted to play. We survived, but it wasn't pretty.

She can't walk with the feet on, so every morning looks
like this....

^Kaylee is in love with Mila and tried to take over all of the parenting duties
she could manage. Although, Mila didn't really reciprocate that love. Maybe one day.....

^Stopping to play with flowers^

^^^These three just melt my heart.