You see, when I try to describe running to someone who isn't a runner, it just sounds like I am a crazy person. I LOVE running. I do not run to lose weight, nor do I consider it exercise. If I ran for either of those reasons, I am sure that I would hate it. I run because I feel awesome whilst doing it. Even on days when I am exhausted from a sleepless night with Mila, I know that running will make me feel better..... and it does. Very rarely do I go out for a run and hate it so much that I have to turn around and come home. Sure, this used to happen a lot in the beginning for me, but that was before I fell in love with the sport. That was when I was running to lose weight. That was when I didn't know how amazing running could make me feel.
While I was pregnant, I made the decision to not run at all and just to stick with walking. I thought it would be nice for my body to have a break, and I was really tired during my pregnancy (anyone else??? I was the nap queen) so it seemed like a good thing to do. About 6 months into my pregnancy I was feeling such urges to run but I knew by that point that my body was so out of shape that it would just be upsetting, so I held off. Honestly, never again will I quit running. As good as the idea sounded, running is something that keeps me sane and grounded through my day to day life. It is my therapy, and I need it. <<Now I really sound crazy!!
My whole reason for writing this love note to running and posting it here, is that I have decided to really train. I never considered myself a runner because I was just running at whatever pace my body allowed and for however long I wanted. I never tracked anything, and the first time I even knew my pace was the first half marathon I ran. Since having Mila, I have become a bit more dedicated, but still come up with lots of excuses as to why I don't actually push myself most of the time. My excuse is always that I am pushing Mila and it is hard. But that's exactly what I need. If I can keep a fast pace for long runs with Mila, then I can certainly pull out some fast times when I am running without her. So this is basically me promising myself to work harder. Train harder. Be a better runner. Make it to Boston. Maybe it won't happen the first year, but it WILL happen. And just knowing that I am putting it out there for any of you to know will push me, because I hate to come up short.
<<Waiting to start my first half marathon in January 2011. This is how I sitting on the stairs. Meanwhile, 20,000 other runners were stretching and warming up like crazy people. I honestly had NO idea what I was getting myself into. I had never run a race before, let alone a race with so many runners.

<After I finished in 2:00 hours flat. Not the best time, but for my first half, I was pretty pleased with my time. Also, the fact that I did not walk at all.
<<Don't I look like such a baby???? Crazy what a few years can do to you.
After my second half marathon in December 2012, less than 8 months after having Mila. Even though I was running regularly before this, I was definitely not in shape for 13.1 miles. The last 5 miles I wanted to just quit, but I didn't. Finished in 2:20 minutes, and at that moment, I started running harder and logging more miles.
After an 8 mile run recently. Got to run without Mila, and I paced 7:40 for 8 miles which is pretty good for me. And the best part about it was that it felt easy. I didn't feel like my lungs were on fire or that my legs were going to break just felt good. So maybe there are some faster race times that this body can run.....
And, just a cute picture of Mila before a run, because what's a post without Mila in it????
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