Thursday, May 2, 2013

Good Eats for Vegetarians and Everyone In Between

For some time now I have really been into cooking---anyone else with me??? I am a vegetarian (well, really, more like a "pescatarian" but I eat fish so rarely that my diet is mostly veg), so I really cook a lot to make sure my diet consists of more than salad and bread or cereal, because apparently that is not a balanced diet. <<But if it was, I would be SO happy to live off cereal>>

This cookbook has changed my life. It came at just the right time when I was really getting creative and comfortable with trying a lot of new recipes. For a while there, I fell into that rut of always cooking the same few things. Nik and I haven't been able to eat lentil soup since.....I really ran that one into the ground. Oops.

Anyways, this book by Martha Stewart is great. Not too fancy, but full of flavor. I have a one year old, so anything that has more than 4 steps, you can basically count me out of. I have made at least 20 (maybe 30) of the dishes from it, and every single one of them has been yummy. I made this one on the cover the other night--golden tomatoes, kale and whole wheat fettuccine-- A-MAZ-ING.

And I totally understand that most people are not vegetarians, but I think that everyone should have some really good vegetarian recipes in their mix of meals they cook. Sometimes it is good to take a break from all that processed food and just eat a simple, clean and delicious meal.

Here are some other things I have made recently (not all from the book):

This double portobello mushroom burger hit the spot after 90 minutes of Bikram Yoga. Paired with cauliflower cheese sticks from here and homemade buns--I mean, how could you go wrong??? 

Tilapia, avocado, fresh homemade mango salsa and corn tortillas I baked to make chips--YUMMO. These mangoes were so fresh-----like from a tree outside fresh-----and that's just how I like it! Picked just a few hours prior to eating, and not to mention FREE =) Who knew I was such a savvy saver?? 

Polenta with roasted tomatoes and garlic, and a spinach salad. If you are from the south, then you have probably had polenta (or grits, which is very similar). It's a really great alternative to pasta, and can be prepared many different ways. Sadly, I did not get to eat all of that. Mila ate half of it---- that baby can eat I tell you!!! (Not complaining though) 

**What is also so great about me cooking so many things, and not buying a lot of store-made food (such as breads, sauces, etc.) is that I know Mila is getting really good nutrients. I have no idea if this will be able to last forever, especially when I start working full-time, but for now, I am more than happy to spend lots of time cooking for my family. 

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