Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Long Nights

Man, oh man! Last night was one of those nights that just seems too long for life. Mila didn't really sleep until 2:45 in the morning, which meant that Nik and I didn't sleep either. She went to sleep just like she always does around 8 pm, but by 10 we were doing the every-30-minutes-I'm-going-to-wake-up thing. The funny thing about it was that she wasn't waking up upset and crying, but she was SO happy. It really was comical. I almost couldn't be annoyed because she was having such a good time and making me laugh so much. Maybe it was from delirium, but either way, it's as if she was ready to party. Nik on the other hand was not so pleased. Poor guy had to get up at 5 am, which really meant that he never went to sleep. SORRY!!!

Regardless, we went for a run this morning and spent a little time playing in the park in our neighborhood.

I ran 3.522 miles and kept an average pace of 8:02. I am really considering getting a Garmin GPS watch to more accurately keep track of my runs.   <<Santa, do you hear me????

Have I told you how much I love living where we live?? Honestly, it is so perfect for us and our lifestyle right now. So many outdoor opportunities to play and burn off some of Mila's energy. **However, it doesn't sound like I did a good job of that yesterday.

Here is a cute picture of Mila from this past Sunday. I really can't get enough of her and her cuteness. 

When your 13 month old is still too small for 9 month clothes and simply walks them off.....

What a life!!! ^^^^

And these two pictures are simply just too funny not to share. I met a new friend--a bird--and he was so friendly. We look so comfortable together, right??? Not really. He really made me feel like this....

I was terrified of what he might do with that little beak. Anyone else afraid of birds????

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