Monday, February 4, 2013

Learning Mila

That title may seem strange to you. You may be thinking I forgot a few words or that I have terrible English.....but no, that is exactly what I meant. Something that was, and still is, a huge surprise to me is that I really had to learn Mila. Sort of in the same way you learn a language or a culture. When I was pregnant I had 9 months to dream and fantasize about this little baby that was growing inside of me. I fantasized about her whole life in those 9 months before I ever even saw her face or heard her cry. Every expecting mom and dad does it, but I honestly feel kind of silly about it now because from the second she was born, she blew all those dreams out of the water. She is nothing like I expected. From her looks to her personality. She is so much MORE than I could have ever dreamed, but I have really had to learn who she is every single day. And it has been the most exhilarating 9 months of my life thus far.

See where she is sitting??? This is between our blinds and our porch which looks out onto a pond. However, we use our porch for storage (living in an apartment with a baby means NO space) and I would really rather her not play here. There is some dirt from the track of the doors and she loves to stick her little fingers into it. And do you know where those fingers go next? Right into her mouth. I swear I cumulatively spend hours every day removing her from this spot. She even brings toys back there now...... I almost thought I was going to have to give up on the fight until I learned something new. You see, Mila loves to eat my food. Every time I start eating she practically runs over to get some. She also loves to come to the bathroom with me, which is annoying in itself, but I doubt this will change anytime soon. Now, when she goes back there and I want her to come out without a fight, I simply have to "go" to the bathroom or sit down at the table and "eat". It's great. No more temper tantrum. She just willingly comes out from her spot.

This is her other favorite thing to do. And as you can see, she is quite proud of herself. I lost this fight. The shoe rack is now back in my room, which has become the land of "All things Mila can't get into". My room now doubles as a storage space. What can I say. You win some, and you lose some.

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